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Jonathan Powell
Free-living Bees
For the first time we can test the excellence or genuineness of other ways of being with bees against the true experts - the bees themselves
Jonathan Powell
Arboreal Apiculture Salon No. 27 with Benjamin Rutschamann
Salon No. 27 with Benjamin Rutschmann
Ingo Scholler
Jonathan Powell talks to BCBKA about Free Living Bees
Free-Living Bees are far more common than we thought.
Dr. Hannes Bonhoff
On The Domestication of the Honey Bee
Honey bees are currently assessed to be semi-domesticated. But do not be tempted to underestimate the ongoing process of domestication ...
Jonathan Powell
Bees Don't Make Honey - Teams Do
These thoughts were inspired by Prof. Gilbert’s talk to the Arboreal Apiculture Salon and, on the same day, a visit to the Blenheim Palace
Jovana Bila Dubaić et al.
Unprecedented Density and Persistence of Feral Honey Bees in an Urban Environment
We compiled a massive data-set derived from opportunistic citizen science (>1300 records) during the 2011–2017 period ...
Guy Thompson
Blenheim bees – A masterful and measured response
A masterful and measured response to some of the unsubstantiated claims in a recent media piece about free-living bees in Oxfordshire
Jonathan Powell
No one knew they existed - The bees of Blenheim Palace
The ‘ecotype’, thought to have been wiped out by disease and invasive species, is thriving in the estate’s ancient woodlands.
Anne Hutton
In Conversation with....Jonathan Powell
When Jonathan Powell humbly describes his love for bees, I think he means the kind of love which goes beyond the ordinary ...
Paul Honingmann
The Bees of Blenheim Place
Most of us have seen a few wild colonies, in roofs and the odd tree, but never so many at once, and not in such an extensive landscape.
Honeybee Wild Lux
The Wild Honey Bees the Trees and the Woodpeckers
The bee colonies that can survive in the wild in today's environment are particularly valuable.
Honeybee Wild Lux
Die wild lebenden Honigbienen,die Bäumeund die Spechte
Die Bienenvölker, die in der heutigen Umwelt in freier Wildbahn überleben können, sind besonders wertvoll.
Jonathan Powell
Delicate Threads
We are pleased to give an update on the free living honey bees project at Pertwood Organic Farm. The project was set up to provide more...
Jonathan Powell
Propolis - A vital element of a healthy hive
Propolis creates an anti-microbial atmosphere that protects the bees from mould and pathogens.
Jonathan Powell
∞ Photos from inside a tree reveal intimate lives of wild honeybees
A wonderful article by Jason Bittel for National Geographic with stunning photographs by Ingo Arndt.
Michael Joshin Thiele
Arboreal Apiculture - a Phase Shift
"The ability to perceive or think differently is more important than the knowledge gained."
- David Bohm
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